Terms & Conditions


1.            Safety and Conduct

To ensure a safe and respectful experience while using our e-hailing platform, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and follow conduct guidelines. Please review and adhere to the following principles:

1.1  Prohibition of Threatening and Rude Behavior: Harassment, impolite gestures, or the use of offensive or threatening language are strictly forbidden. Passenger must refrain from engaging in discussions on sensitive topics such as religion and politics that could disrupt the harmony.

1.2  Zero Tolerance for Sexual Assault and Misconduct: Any form of sexual contact or behavior without explicit and unequivocal consent from all parties involved is strictly prohibited. The e-hailing platform maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards any incidents of sexual assault or misconduct and reserves the right to take appropriate legal actions against offenders.

1.3  Responsible Driving: Passenger are strictly prohibited from requesting Drivers to exceed speed limits, engage in reckless driving, or commit any traffic violations. The e-hailing platform places utmost importance on responsible driving practices to ensure the safety of all passengers, Drivers, and other road passengers. By adhering to traffic laws and regulations, Drivers help create a secure and comfortable transportation environment for everyone.

1.4  Theft, Robbery, and Vandalism: Theft, robbery, vandalism, or damage to the Driver’s vehicle or property will not be tolerated. Please treat the vehicle and the Driver’s property with respect.

1.5  Security and Property Protection for Passengers: Ensuring your safety and the protection of your property is of utmost importance when using our e-hailing platform. Please review and adhere to the following guidelines:

a.  In-Vehicle Behavior: Avoid smoking, vaping, littering, spitting, yelling, swearing, or consuming food/beverages inside the vehicle.

b.  Vehicle Inspection: Before entering the vehicle, take a moment to inspect it visually. Ensure that it is the correct vehicle you booked and that it appears to be in good condition.

c.  Emergency Awareness: Familiarize yourself with the location of emergency exits and safety features within the vehicle.

d.  Belongings Check: Before leaving the vehicle, double-check to ensure you have all your personal belongings with you. This includes items such as bags, phones, and any other valuable possessions.

e.  Lost Items: If you believe you have left something behind in the vehicle, promptly report it through the e-hailing platform’s designated lost and found process.

f.  Security Concerns: If you encounter any security concerns during the ride, such as suspicious behavior or potential threats, report them immediately to the e-hailing platform and, if necessary, local authorities.

1.6  Seatbelt Usage: The e-hailing platform enforces a mandatory seatbelt policy for all passengers during their journey. It is the responsibility of each user to wear their seatbelt properly and ensure that it remains fastened throughout the ride. By doing so, passengers greatly reduce the risk of injuries in the event of an accident or sudden braking.

1.7  Child Restraints: As per local laws and regulations, passengers are required to provide appropriate restraints for children traveling in the vehicle. Child safety seats or booster seats must be used, depending on the age, weight, and height of the child. This measure ensures the safety and well-being of young passengers and complies with the relevant child safety laws in each region.


By adhering to these security and property protection guidelines, you play an active role in ensuring your own safety and the safety of your belongings during your e-hailing platform experience. Your commitment to these guidelines contributes to a safe and secure environment for all users of the platform.

2.            Restricted Items and Substances

To maintain a secure and compliant environment when using our e-hailing platform, it’s imperative to adhere to our guidelines regarding restricted items and substances. Please carefully review and follow these regulations:


2.1  Prohibition of Drugs and Weapons: Passenger are strictly prohibited from bringing drugs, illegal substances, or weapons inside the vehicle. The e-hailing platform maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards any possession or transportation of such items during rides. This measure ensures the safety and security of all passengers, Drivers, and the public.

2.2  Strict No-Drug Transportation Policy: The e-hailing platform does not permit the use of its services for transporting illegal drugs or engaging in any drug-related activities. Passenger must refrain from using the platform to distribute or facilitate the transportation of illegal substances. Any violations of this policy will be dealt with severely, including potential legal actions.


By strictly enforcing the prohibition of drugs and weapons, as well as ensuring a strict no-drug transportation policy, the e-hailing platform maintains a safe and responsible environment for its passenger. These measures uphold community safety standards and align with local laws and regulations related to controlled substances and firearms. Passengers are reminded to comply with these guidelines to uphold the platform’s commitment to providing a secure and reliable service for everyone.


3.            Adherence to Terms of Service

To ensure a safe and compliant experience while using our e-hailing platform, it’s essential to adhere to the terms of service and make responsible booking choices. Please review and follow these guidelines:


3.1  No Booking for Strangers: Do not book rides on behalf of strangers or individuals who are not part of your travel group.

3.2  Passenger Age Requirement: Passengers using the platform must be 18 years of age or older unless accompanied by an adult if underage. Please ensure that you meet this age requirement or are accompanied by an adult as necessary.

3.3  Select the Right Service: When booking a ride, choose the appropriate service based on the number of passengers or luggage to avoid any issues.

3.4  Account Integrity and Accuracy: Do not share your account credentials or create duplicate accounts.

3.5  Accurate Information: Provide accurate and truthful information when creating and accessing your account.

3.6  Official Application Access: Access your account only through the official LYFTME application.

3.7  Account Details: Keep your account details updated and avoid responding to login requests from unverified sources.

3.8  Seamless Pickup Experience: Select the right pickup location and choose the correct pickup location to ensure a smooth pickup experience.

3.9  Communication: Communicate with the Driver to facilitate finding each other effectively.


By adhering to these comprehensive guidelines, you contribute to a secure, respectful, and efficient environment for all users of the LYFTME e-hailing platform. Your commitment to these guidelines ensures a positive and safe experience for everyone involved.

4.            Crisis and Emergency Handling

To ensure your safety and the safety of others during emergencies, it’s essential to know how to handle crisis situations while using our e-hailing platform. Please review and follow these guidelines:


4.1  Emergency Response Protocol: In case of an emergency, your priority should be to call the local authorities or emergency services.

4.2  Safety First: Ensure the safety of yourself and others involved in the emergency.

4.3  Contacting LYFTME: After ensuring safety and contacting the authorities, promptly contact LYFTME to report the incident and provide all relevant details.

4.4  Platform-Specific Regulations: Familiarize yourself with the specific rules and regulations set by the platform in your country. Being aware of these guidelines ensures that you operate within the platform’s parameters.

By adhering to these crisis and emergency handling guidelines, you contribute to a safe and informed environment for all users of the LYFTME e-hailing platform. Your commitment to these guidelines helps ensure a prompt and effective response during emergencies.


By using the LyftMe platform and providing transportation services as a Driver, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

1.            Independent Contractor Status

You as a Driver partnering with Lyftme, you acknowledge and agree that You operate as an independent contractor and not as an employee, agent, or representative of Lyftme. You have the freedom to choose Your working hours, decide the areas in which You operate, and provide services at Your own discretion. This independent contractor status grants You the flexibility and autonomy to manage your own transportation business.

1.1  As an independent contractor, you are solely responsible for any taxes, insurance, licenses, and permits required to operate as a Driver in your region. You also agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing Your transportation services, including local traffic and road safety laws.

1.2  Lyftme may provide You with access to the platform’s technology, support, and tools to connect with passenger, but You understand that Lyftme does not exercise direct control over the means and methods by which You provide Your transportation services. 

By accepting the independent contractor status, you acknowledge that you are not entitled to employee benefits or any employment-related rights. This arrangement reflects the mutual understanding between You and Lyftme and reinforces the independent nature of your working relationship.

2.            Limitation of Liability

As a Driver with LyftMe, you acknowledge and understand the limitations of liability associated with using the platform’s services. Please carefully read and adhere to the following points:


2.1  Third-Party Risks: While LyftMe strives to connect You with passenger and provide a reliable platform, you acknowledge that You assume certain risks when providing transportation services to third-party passenger. LyftMe shall not be liable for any actions, conduct, or behavior of passenger or any third parties during Your engagements.

2.2  Vehicle Maintenance and Safety: You are solely responsible for the maintenance, safety, and condition of your vehicle. Lyftme shall not be liable for any damages, losses, or injuries arising from Your vehicle’s operation, maintenance, or safety-related issues.

2.3  Loss or Damage to Property: Lyftme shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or theft of personal belongings or property belonging to you or your passenger during the provision of transportation services.

2.4  Indirect and Consequential Damages: Lyftme shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from or related to your use of the platform’s services.

2.5  Force Majeure: Lyftme shall not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations or delays arising from events beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to natural disasters, acts of government, or technological disruptions.

2.6  Insurance Coverage: While Lyftme not offer insurance coverage under any circumstances, it is your responsibility to maintain adequate insurance coverage for Yourself and Your vehicle as required by local laws and regulations.


By accepting these limitations of liability, you acknowledge and understand that Your use of Lyftme’s services is at Your own risk. You agree to hold Lyftme, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents harmless from any claims, demands, or damages arising from or related to Your use of the platform’s services as a Driver. These limitations of liability form an essential part of the agreement between You and Lyftme, and Your continued use of the platform’s services signifies Your acceptance of these terms.

3.            Safety and Compliance

As a Driver with LyftMe, the safety and security of passenger are of paramount importance. You must exercise due care and comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and traffic rules while providing transportation services. Please review and adhere to the following guidelines to ensure safety and compliance:


3.1  Valid Licensing and Permits: You shall maintain a valid Driver’s license and any other permits or authorizations required by the local authorities.

3.2  Adherence to Traffic Laws: You are to adhere to all traffic laws, speed limits, and road regulations diligently. You will avoid any form of reckless driving, aggressive behaviour, or traffic violations, ensuring a secure and comfortable journey for every passenger.

3.3  Seatbelt and Child Safety Compliance: You are to recognize the significance of seatbelt usage in preventing injuries and fatalities during accidents. You will enforce the mandatory use of seatbelts for all passenger and ensure that everyone inside the vehicle is appropriately restrained for their safety. You are committed to complying with local laws and regulations concerning child safety. You will provide suitable child safety seats or booster seats to ensure the proper restraint of young passenger during the ride.

3.4  Vehicle Maintenance: You acknowledge that regular vehicle maintenance is essential for safe transportation. You will diligently maintain the vehicle in optimal working condition, conducting periodic inspections to ensure all critical components are in excellent shape.

3.5  Caution During Adverse Weather Conditions: During adverse weather conditions, you understand the need for heightened caution. You will adjust your driving behaviour, accordingly, taking necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the passenger.

3.6  Emergency Preparedness: You are dedicated to handling emergencies competently and promptly. In the event of an emergency or accident, you will follow the appropriate protocols, communicate effectively with passenger, and seek assistance as needed.


By adhering to these safety and compliance guidelines, you contribute to a secure and reliable transportation service on the LyftMe platform. Your commitment to safety fosters trust and reliability, making LyftMe a preferred choice for passenger seeking a safe and enjoyable ride. Together, we create a community that prioritizes safety and compliance as core principles of our services.

4.            Passenger Interactions

As a Driver with Lyftme, you are expected to maintain a high standard of professionalism and courtesy during Your interactions with passenger. Here are some guidelines to ensure a positive and respectful experience:


4.1  Respectful Communication: Treat all passenger with respect and courtesy. Use polite language and avoid engaging in any offensive or inappropriate conversations.

4.2  Privacy and Confidentiality: Respect the privacy and confidentiality of passenger. Refrain from asking personal or sensitive questions, and do not share or discuss passenger’ information with third parties.

4.3  Safe and Comfortable Environment: Create a safe and comfortable environment within the vehicle for passenger. Ensure a smooth and steady driving style to avoid unnecessary discomfort.

4.4  Listening to Passenger Requests: Be attentive to passenger requests within reason, such as adjusting the temperature or volume of the radio. Accommodate reasonable requests that do not compromise road safety.

4.5  Navigating and Routes: Use GPS or the preferred navigation system provided by Lyftme to follow the most efficient and appropriate routes to the destination. In case of any changes, communicate them clearly and promptly with the passenger.

4.6  No Discrimination: Refrain from any form of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or any other characteristic. Provide equal and fair service to all passenger.

4.7  Intoxicated or Unruly Passenger: If a passenger appears to be intoxicated or behaves in an unruly manner that poses a safety risk, you have the right to decline or terminate the ride in a safe location. Report such incidents promptly to Lyftme for further action.

4.8  Handling Complaints: If a passenger expresses a complaint or concern, remain composed and professional. Listen attentively and attempt to address the issue courteously. If necessary, advise the passenger to contact Lyftme for further assistance.

4.9  Safety and Security: Always prioritize the safety and security of both You and the passenger. Follow all applicable road safety laws and regulations.


By adhering to these guidelines for passenger interactions, you contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for passenger and maintain the reputation of Lyftme as a reliable and respectful service. Your commitment to professionalism fosters a welcoming environment for all passenger and contributes to the success of the platform.

5.            Background Checks

You as a Driver with Lyftme, you understand and agree to undergo background checks as part of the platform’s safety measures. These checks are conducted to ensure the safety and security of all passenger and the community. Here are the key points related to background checks:


5.1  Driver Screening Process: Lyftme will conduct thorough background checks on all potential Drivers before onboarding them to the platform. These checks may include criminal record checks, driving history verification, and other relevant screenings.

5.2  Safety and Trustworthiness: The purpose of background checks is to assess the safety and trustworthiness of Drivers. Lyftme aims to create passenger and reliable service for passenger, and ensuring the integrity of Drivers is crucial to achieving this goal.

5.3  Ongoing Monitoring: Background checks may be periodically conducted on active Drivers to ensure their continued eligibility to provide transportation services. Any changes in a Driver’s background that may impact their suitability will be assessed accordingly.

5.4  Data Protection: Lyftme handles all personal information and background check results with strict confidentiality, adhering to relevant data protection laws and regulations.

5.5  Driver Eligibility: The results of the background checks will be used to determine Driver eligibility. Drivers who meet the platform’s safety standards will be approved to offer transportation services.

5.6  Ineligibility Criteria: Applicants with certain disqualifying factors revealed during the background check process may be ineligible to become Drivers. Such factors may include a history of serious criminal offenses, driving violations, or other safety concerns.

By accepting the requirement for background checks, you demonstrate Your commitment to maintaining the highest standards of safety and trustworthiness as a Driver with Lyftme. The background screening process is a vital aspect of the platform’s efforts to provide a secure and reliable transportation service for passenger, and Your cooperation in this regard is essential to ensuring a positive and safe experience for everyone.

6.            Action on the Account

As a Driver on Lyftme, you are expected to comply with the platform’s policies and guidelines. Failure to adhere to these standards may result in appropriate actions being taken on Your account. Here are the key points related to account actions:


6.1  Account Limitation: You must acknowledge and agree that only one (1) account can be registered on a single device, except in cases where permission has been explicitly granted by LyftMe. Any attempt to create multiple accounts on a single device without authorization may lead to account actions being taken.

6.2  Inactive Account Management: LyftMe reserves the right to consider an account as inactive if no transactions have been made by the user for a period of one year. In such cases, LyftMe may deactivate or restrict access to the user account.

6.3  Commercial Exploitation Prohibition: You are explicitly prohibited from commercially exploiting the LyftMe application without the explicit permission of LyftMe. Commercial exploitation includes, but is not limited to, modifying or creating derivative works, copying, reproducing, publicly displaying, distributing, or communicating any part of the Application for public or commercial purposes, unless written permission has been obtained from LyftMe.

6.4  Violation Assessment: Lyftme reserves the right to assess any reported violations or breaches of the platform’s policies. Such violations may include, but are not limited to, safety infractions, misconduct, or non-compliance with community guidelines.

6.5  Warnings and Suspensions: Depending on the severity of the violation, Lyftme may issue warnings or temporary suspensions on Your account. These actions serve to address the issue and encourage compliance with the platform’s policies.

6.6  Investigation and Review: In cases of reported incidents, Lyftme may conduct a thorough investigation to assess the situation fairly and accurately. This may involve gathering relevant information from all parties involved.

6.7  Permanent Deactivation: For serious or repeated violations, Lyftme reserves the right to permanently deactivate Your account. This action is taken to maintain the safety and integrity of the platform for all passenger.

6.8  Appeals Process: If You believe that an account action was unjustified or wish to appeal a decision, Lyftme may provide an appeals process where You can present additional information or clarifications for review.

6.9  Continuous Improvement: Lyftme continually reviews and refines its policies and guidelines to enhance the platform’s safety and user experience. Feedback from Drivers and passenger is invaluable in this process.

By maintaining a positive record and adhering to Lyftme’s policies, you contribute to a safe, reliable, and enjoyable transportation service. It is essential to respect the platform’s guidelines, treat all passenger with courtesy, and prioritize the safety and well-being of passenger. Lyftme values responsible and professional behaviour from its Drivers and appreciates Your commitment to upholding these standards.

7.            Data Privacy and Confidentiality

Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of user data is a fundamental commitment of LyftMe. Please review and adhere to the following guidelines to ensure the safeguarding of sensitive information:


7.1  Handling of User Information: You acknowledge that LyftMe collects and processes user information, including personal and location data, to facilitate the provision of transportation services. This information is utilized solely for operational purposes within the LyftMe platform.

7.2  Respect the confidentiality of user information: Do not disclose, share, or use any user data for personal or unauthorized purposes.

7.3  Passenger Interaction: Avoid requesting or discussing unnecessary personal information from passenger unless required for the provision of transportation services. Do not share any personal or contact information of passenger with third parties without explicit consent from LyftMe and the passenger.

7.4  Device and Account Security: Access LyftMe’s platform only through authorized and secure devices. Do not use jailbroken, rooted, or compromised devices to ensure the security of user data. Protect the security of Your LyftMe account. Do not share Your login credentials with others and use strong, unique passwords for account access.

7.5  Reporting Incidents: Promptly report any suspected or actual data breaches to LyftMe. This includes unauthorized access to user data or any other breach of security. In case of a lost or stolen device used for accessing the LyftMe platform, report the incident immediately to LyftMe and take appropriate steps to secure user data.


By adhering to these data privacy and confidentiality guidelines, You contribute to maintaining the trust of LyftMe passenger and upholding the platform’s commitment to data security. Your responsible handling of user information ensures a secure and reliable experience for all LyftMe passenger.

8.            Payments Terms

Understanding and adhering to LyftMe’s payments terms is essential for a transparent and seamless financial relationship. Please carefully review and comply with the following guidelines:


8.1  Fare Calculation and Payment: You acknowledge that LyftMe calculates fares based on factors such as distance, duration, and additional charges, as applicable. Passenger are provided with transparent fare details before confirming a booking.

8.2  Service Fee Deduction: LyftMe deducts a service fee from the total fare for using its platform to connect Drivers with passenger. This fee contributes to maintaining and enhancing the platform’s services.

8.3  Payment Processing and Settlement: LyftMe endeavors to process Driver payments promptly and efficiently. Earnings are typically transferred to your designated payment method after deducting the applicable service fee.

8.4  Payment Disputes: In case of payment disputes or discrepancies, promptly report the issue to LyftMe. The platform will review and resolve the matter to ensure accurate and fair payment.

8.5  Tax Obligations: You are responsible for complying with all tax obligations related to your earnings as a Driver. Ensure accurate record-keeping and payment of any applicable taxes to the appropriate tax authorities.

8.6  Authority to Temporarily Halt Transactions:

a.  Fraud and Breach Suspicions: LyftMe reserves the authority to temporarily halt the handling of any transaction if there is a reasonable suspicion of fraud, illegality, criminal involvement, or a breach of the terms outlined in this agreement by you or the consumer.

b.  Responsibility Limitation: In such circumstances, you acknowledge that LyftMe shall not be held responsible for any withholding, delay, suspension, loss, or termination of payment(s) owed to you. This provision is in line with LyftMe’s commitment to maintaining the integrity of its platform and ensuring a secure payment environment.

8.7  Payment Statements and Records:

a.  Statement Review: Regularly review your payment statements provided by LyftMe to verify earnings and service fee deductions. Report any discrepancies or concerns promptly.

b.  Record Maintenance: Maintain accurate records of your earnings and payments for your reference and tax compliance.


By adhering to these payments’ terms, you contribute to a transparent and accountable financial relationship with LyftMe. Your commitment to understanding and complying with payment guidelines ensures a fair and mutually beneficial partnership. LyftMe values your dedication as a Driver and strives to maintain a reliable and efficient payment process for all platform passenger.

9.            Internet Delays

Recognizing the potential impact of internet delays on the functionality of the LyftMe platform is crucial for providing a seamless and reliable service. Please review the following guidelines to navigate situations involving internet delays effectively:


9.1  Connectivity Awareness: You acknowledge that internet connectivity is essential for the proper functioning of the LyftMe platform. Maintain a stable internet connection to ensure uninterrupted access to the platform’s features. Whenever possible, operate in areas with strong and stable internet signals to minimize the risk of delays or interruptions.

9.2  Responsiveness during Delays: In the event of internet delays, communicate promptly with passenger to provide updates on your status and expected arrival time. Maintain a professional demeanour when informing passenger about internet delays. Assure them that you are actively addressing the situation to ensure a smooth and timely ride.

9.3  Alternate Communication: Be prepared with alternative means of communication, such as phone calls or text messages, to inform passenger in case of significant internet delays.

9.4  Platform Support: In case of persistent internet issues affecting your ability to use the LyftMe platform, promptly contact LyftMe’s technical support for assistance.

9.5  Inherent Internet Issues:

a.  Service Limitations: You acknowledge that the usage of the service, platform, application, and/or software may encounter restrictions, delays, and other issues that are inherent in the utilization of the internet and electronic communications.

b.  Device-related Problems: These issues may include faulty devices used by you or the partners, devices that are not connected, out of range, switched off, or not functioning properly.

c.  Liability Exemption: LyftMe cannot be held accountable for any delays, delivery failures, damages, or losses that arise from such problems. This provision underscores the understanding that internet-related issues are beyond LyftMe’s control and responsibility.

By acknowledging the impact of internet delays and inherent issues and implementing these guidelines, you enhance your ability to provide a reliable and satisfactory transportation experience for LyftMe passenger. Your proactive approach to addressing connectivity challenges contributes to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the LyftMe platform.

10.         Dispute Resolution

Any disputes, claims, or controversies arising out of or relating to your use of the LyftMe platform or transportation services shall be resolved through arbitration or mediation in accordance with the prevailing rules and regulations of the jurisdiction where the services are provided. Both parties agree to participate in good faith in any dispute resolution process. Efficient and fair dispute resolution processes are integral to maintaining a positive Driver-partner relationship on the LyftMe platform. Please familiarize yourself with the following guidelines for effective dispute resolution:

10.1  Changes to Terms and Platform Modification

a.  Terms Modification: LyftMe reserves the right to modify or update the terms of this agreement at any time. In the event of such changes, you will receive a notification outlining the nature of the modifications.

b.  Review and Acceptance: It is your responsibility to carefully review the updated terms. Your continued use of the LyftMe platform constitutes your acceptance of the revised term.

c.  Maintenance and Enhancement: LyftMe may occasionally need to interrupt the functioning of the platform or specific features for routine or non-routine maintenance, error correction, or necessary enhancements.

d.  Suspension or Termination: You acknowledge that during such maintenance or modifications, certain parts of the platform, including access to your account and/or the availability of products or services, may be suspended or terminated.

e.  Compensation Disclaimer: LyftMe is not obligated to provide any compensation for suspensions or terminations resulting from platform maintenance or modifications.

10.2  Open Communication:

a.  Prompt Reporting: In the event of any dispute, promptly report the issue to LyftMe through the designated channels, providing all relevant details and documentation.

b.  Professionalism: Maintain a professional and respectful demeanour when communicating about disputes. Avoid using offensive language or engaging in disrespectful behaviour.

10.3  LyftMe’s Dispute Resolution Process:

a.  Investigation: LyftMe will conduct a thorough investigation of reported disputes to ascertain the facts and gather relevant information from all parties involved.

b.  Fair Assessment: LyftMe will assess the dispute impartially, considering all available evidence and perspectives to arrive at a fair resolution.

c.  Resolution Decision: Based on the findings of the investigation, LyftMe will make a final decision on the dispute and communicate the outcome to all parties involved.

10.4  Compliance with Decision: You agree to comply with LyftMe’s resolution decisions in a timely and respectful manner.

10.5  Legal Recourse: If you are dissatisfied with the resolution provided by LyftMe, you retain the right to pursue alternative legal remedies, provided they are in accordance with the laws and regulations of the relevant jurisdiction.

By understanding and adhering to these dispute resolution guidelines, you contribute to a harmonious and productive Driver-partner relationship on the LyftMe platform. Effective dispute resolution fosters trust and collaboration, ultimately benefiting both Drivers and LyftMe as we work together to provide a reliable and satisfactory transportation experience for all passenger.